Earthquake risk

What to do before, during and after an earthquake?

  1. Last updated on

Before the earthquake


  • Sign in at the Belgian embassy or consulate in Turkey
  • Choose a contact person who lives in your county of origin (Belgium)
  • Find a save place in each room and share it with your family members
  • Ask your children to always carry an identity card with them
  • Make sure the school of your child has an earthquake crisis management plan
  • Close gas, electricity and water pipes
  • Remove big and heavy items from high shelves
  • Store away as many fragile items as possible
  • Remove heavy items like mirrors or frameworks around beds or places where people normally sit
  • Repair deep grooves in foundations or sealing
  • Keep flammable materials in a closed box
  • Make a survival kid: water, food, a flashlight with extra batteries, First aid material, a tin-opener, cash and a fire extinguisher

During the earthquake

In a building

  • Stay inside until it is save to go outside
  • Hide underneath a solid table or desk. If there is no table or desk cover your face and head with your arms and hide in a corner of the room or a solid door opening
  • Stay away from glass, windows, mirrors, outside doors and walls
  • Never use an elevator

In the open air

  • Don’t go anywhere in
  • Find an open space
  • Stay away from buildings, traffic lights, cables and trees
  • Don’t go underground or in a tunnel
  • On the beach you are more or less save, but you have to be cautious for upcoming waves after an earthquake. Go to an open space far away from the beach as quickly as possible after the earthquake.

In a vehicle

  • Stop as quickly as possible and stay in the vehicle
  • Stay away from buildings, trees, bridges and cables

After the earthquake


  • Be cautious for after shocks
  • Find out if the people near you are fine and offer help if necessary
  • Be careful! Drinking water can be contaminated
  • Listen to the local and national radio stations
  • Inform the Belgian embassy in Ankara about your and your family’s situation

Contact number in case of emergency

Vista 312 Office Building
Eskişehir Yolu, 2176. Cadde N °: 9, Floor: 10-11
Söğütözü 06530 Çankaya - Ankara

+90 312 405 61 66 
+90 532 684 43 48 Emergency number outside opening hours (French) 
+90 532 615 92 29 Emergency number outside opening hours (Dutch)